Invest North East England takes VRTGO 2017 to an international audience
THE North East’s thriving immersive technology sector will be showcased at a major conference.
VRTGO 2017is a specialist Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) event that will bring togetherexperts, business leaders, investors, creatives and developers.
Invest North East England (INEE) is among the key sponsors of VTRGO 2017, which takes place in Gateshead next month.
INEE is working with partners including the Department for International Trade, local authorities and Digital Catapult North East and Tees Valley to put together an enhanced programme of activity for potential overseas investors to visit the conference and the wider region to learn about the strength of the North East’s VR and AR sector. Invest Newcastle are also supporting the event and bringing a visiting delegation of businesses from outside of the region to the City.
The programme includes a range of presentations from companies and support organisations such as Dynamo, Digital Union, Sunderland Software City/ Digital Catapult, the Innovation Supernetwork, Creative Fuseand local tech companies including Hedgehog Lab, as well as visits to key sites such as the new PROTO: Centre for Emerging technologies in Gateshead.
The Department for International Trade is also running an international tech competition to attract potential investors to the event and the North East.
David Pattison, Inward Investment Manager at INEE, said: “We are delighted to support this important event which will showcase North East England’s rich, fast-growing tech cluster and its well-established niche in Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality.
“Here in the North East, we have some of the best VR and AR companies in Europe, if not the world, many of them born from the North East’s strong gaming heritage.
“We have one of the best talent pools and are also extremely cost competitive compared to other locations in the UK and Western Europe for digital businesses, with typical savings of £1m per annum compared to London for a 25-person studio.
“Combined with our thriving creative and cultural scene, renowned nightlife and quality of life, the North East offers fantastic opportunities for the sector.
Councillor Iain Malcolm, Leader of South Tyneside Council and Thematic Lead for Economic Development and Regeneration of NECA,said:“We look forward to celebrating the region’s immersive technology strengths at VRTGO and highlighting why our digital community is one of the most vibrant, productive and rapidly developing in the UK.”
David Coppock, North East Region Director, Department for International Trade, said: “The VRTGO conference provides a platform for us to showcase to an international audience the Immersive Tech strengths of the Northern Powerhouse and how it is being adopted across our prime capabilities in Advanced Manufacturing & Materials, Energy and Health Innovation. It demonstrates how we’re leading the way across this sector and creating a plethora of new commercial opportunities for businesses here.”
VRTGO is now in its fourth year, following on from three previous sell-out events.
Former Sony VR legend Jed Ashforth will host the conference and make a key note speech.
VRTGO 2017 takes place on November 1and 2 at the Baltic, on Gateshead Quayside.