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Space utilisation: The fastest route to net zero

Tuesday 21 May 2024 - Tuesday 21 May 2024
2:30 pm - 3:15 pm
External image of Northumbria University Business School

The common mantra in estates decarbonisation is to reduce energy consumption through better insulated buildings and then decarbonise the heating, however this fails to address the elephant in the room; how much space you really need.

Our buildings and estates are notoriously underutilised. It’s not uncommon for university estates to see figures of 20% and commercial office at a lofty 40% utilisation! However, every square meter of space carries a significant cost and carbon burden. Our panel will discuss how estates teams are using data to tackle this issue.

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Chris Bowie-Hill, Innovation Director


Craig Anderson, Director - Smart Energy and Sustainability



Erin Peart, Director of Campus Services

Northumbria University

Victoria Beattie, Head of Estates

Port of Tyne

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