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New grants launched for Newcastle businesses

January 8, 2021

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A one-off grant worth £1,000 to support ‘wet-led’ pubs who missed out on the busy Christmas trading period, as well as monthly grants to support businesses forced to closed or impacted by Tier Three restrictions at the end of the year is now available for local businesses.

Cllr Ged Bell, cabinet member for employment and culture at Newcastle City Council said: “Undoubtedly the hospitality sector has been hardest-hit by this pandemic and we’re committed to distributing this funding to them as quickly as possible.

“We know businesses are facing really tough times with various tier and lockdown restrictions placing a stop start on their businesses, and although this funding will not cover the heavy losses this sector has sustained, we hope if offers a vital cash lifeline.

“With national lockdown now in place, which is yet another hammer blow to our local economy, the Chancellor announced on Tuesday (5 January) further financial support for businesses. However, as we have seen repeatedly there is often a long lag between announcements and councils being given cash to distribute, so we will lobby government hard to get fast access to this latest funding.

“We want businesses to know we are here to support during these challenging times, and we will do all we can to protect our local economy and save jobs.”

Government has instructed local authorities to administer grants for the December period. Eligible businesses will be contacted directly by the council to invite them to complete a short application form so funding can reach businesses as quickly as possible.

Depending on their rateable value, businesses forced to close or who have had to change their operations due to Tier Three restrictions will receive grants up to a maximum of £3,000.

Full details of the scheme and eligibility criteria is available at Eligible businesses will receive the December grants into their bank accounts within ten working days.

The council will update details of the one-off grants worth between £4,000 and £9,000 for retail, hospitality, and leisure businesses through national lockdown restrictions as soon as this becomes available.

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