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New team member for Invest Newcastle

November 10, 2020

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Invest Newcastle has recruited recent graduate Kiran Ohri as Marketing and Communications Assistant.  Kiran will be working alongside Kelly Gleadow, our Senior PR and Communications Manager and will support all marketing and communications activity that promotes Newcastle and Gateshead as a place to locate and grow a business.

Kiran studied for an Entertainment Business Management Degree in Leeds, graduating with a first class honours in August. She has been working as a Marketing and Communications Assistant at Academy Music Group / Live Nation since 2019 where she is responsible for creating and managing social media campaigns for both the O2 Academy and the O2 City Hall. Her university thesis was on the socio-economic value of live music in NewcastleGateshead and she was also involved in a consultancy project for Leeds BID on student engagement. She has a huge passion for the region and its success.

In welcoming our newest member to the team we asked Kiran about her past experience and what attracted her to this role at Invest Newcastle.

Tell us a bit about yourself?

I’ve recently graduated from university with a first-class honours in Entertainment Business Management in August 2020 and have been working as a Marketing Assistant for two of Newcastle’s most popular entertainment venues for just over a year. From both my academic studies and previous job role I gained invaluable experience in marketing across multiple platforms, including social media, through creating and managing a range of promotional projects, in order to drive sales, increase audience engagement and raise brand profile. I thoroughly enjoyed my time within the entertainment sector; however I really wanted to learn and develop personally and professionally since graduating from university, therefore moving from a B2C to B2B greatly appealed to me. There is also nothing better than being able to shout about all the wonderful assets your home city has to offer the business world, which is of course why Invest Newcastle exists.

Why Invest Newcastle?

I’m keen to develop my skills within a new sector, challenge myself through learning about unfamiliar topics such as Life Sciences and Tech and Digital, and overall be a part of a team that is passionate about attracting and retaining the best talent and creating jobs for those who live and work in our city. Invest Newcastle really stood out to me due to its vision to drive and deliver economic growth in Newcastle and Gateshead, through championing the business community and region on a national and international stage

I have a real passion for the city, as it where I was born and raised. I actually lived away in Leeds for three years during university, but ended up relocating back to Newcastle a year before graduating in order to truly immerse myself in the local community again. Our city is truly unique in the way that everyone knows each other and are ready and willing to help and collaborate wherever they can.

Earlier this year I even wrote my dissertation on “The socio-economic value of live music in Newcastle-Gateshead” which I completed in June 2020. This topic stemmed from my passion for the region and wanting to find out more on the impact the sector has on the local economy and tourism in the city. From my findings I created recommendations to various stakeholders on how to increase economic contribution in the area, from such events, which has further deepened my interests in future investment plans in Newcastle and Gateshead, in order to make the region the best of the best in a variety of sectors.

I look forward to being a part of Invest Newcastle team and contributing to promoting and securing investment in the city for the future.

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