KADA Research has chosen Gateshead for its second UK office.
Headquartered in Sheffield, Kada Research is an economic development consultancy that provides evidence-based reports and recommendations to clients including governmental bodies, academic institutions and community organisations.
With an established client base already in the North East of England, Kada noted the region’s engaged business community as one of the key reasons for selecting Gateshead as their next base.
Newcastle and Gateshead’s destination and inward investment agency, NewcastleGateshead Initiative (NGI), initially supported the team to find office space that met their requirements and continues to provide introductions to key partners as they settle into the region.
Kada’s Managing Director, Karl Dalgleish, said: “Our economic development projects are place-based, and we like to be embedded in places to help deliver these. Gateshead and Baltimore House fits Kada’s ethos with similarities to Sheffield where the business originates.”
Kada’s North East Director, Sam Nair, said: “Having been based in the North East for nearly 15 years I am excited about what devolution will bring for the region and the opportunity to grow the Kada team in Gateshead.
“Kada is passionate about helping partners in Gateshead and the North East to achieve sustainable and inclusive economic growth and creating job and placement opportunities for young people at Kada too.”
Jen Hartley, Director of Invest Newcastle, NGI, said: “I’m pleased to welcome Kada Research to Gateshead. Their emphasis on economic and social impact research and inclusive growth strongly aligns with our regional priorities making this a great match. Wider participation and access is also a key focus for the work we do at NGI so I look forward to continuing to support their team as they grow and expand here.”
Cllr Leigh Kirton, Cabinet Member for Economy and Communications, Gateshead Council, said: “Kada Research’s choice to expand to Gateshead is a great reflection of our growing reputation as a place for forward-thinking businesses to invest.
Their commitment to evidence-based insights and inclusive growth aligns well with our ambitions for the borough, and we’re proud to welcome Kada to Gateshead’s thriving business community.”
Kada is based in Baltimore House on Gateshead’s Baltic Quarter with plans to quickly expand.