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Global renewable green hydrogen pioneer Lhyfe launches in UK

September 7, 2022

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Global renewable green hydrogen pioneer Lhyfe has launched its first UK operation with the aim of large-scale decarbonisation.

The France-based multinational is building a UK team in North East England to identify opportunities to deploy production facilities to support the country’s net zero ambitions.

In 2021, Lhyfe (EURONEXT: LHYFE), inaugurated the world’s first plant supplying a renewable green hydrogen produced using wind power to customers in western France.

The company is developing more than 90 innovative projects across Europe. Some of the ground-breaking projects include a hydrogen rail demonstrator in Germany and a partnership with supermarket giant Lidl for a fleet of more than 100 hydrogen-powered forklift trucks, which could transform the retail and distribution sector. The UK entry is its latest step in its drive toward carbon reduction.

Lhyfe is a pioneering producer of renewable green hydrogen which emits no carbon dioxide, developing green solutions for regions, industry, transport and fuel distribution. It has ambitions for more than 3GW of electrolytic hydrogen in operation by 2030.

Lhyfe produces its renewable green hydrogen by using water and wind or sun to power its electrolysers. Water is fed into the electrolyser, which is split into hydrogen and oxygen meaning the only by-product is oxygen. The hydrogen is then compressed and transported locally from the production unit to various consumers across the region, providing an alternative to fossil fuels and building a local eco-system.
Lhyfe’s pioneering unit in Bouin, France, produces up to 300kg per day, ramping up to 1,000kg per day in 2023 – enough to run a fleet of around 25 buses.

Production units are currently being deployed onshore, but Lhyfe has an aim to take electrolysis offshore – making use of the huge offshore wind potential the UK has on offer, particularly in the North Sea.

Lhyfe is preparing to launch the world’s first offshore renewable hydrogen production demonstrator, off the coast of Saint-Nazaire in France.

Organisations in the UK looking to decarbonise are encouraged to contact Lhyfe to discuss opportunities to collaborate.

Colin Brown, UK country manager of Lhyfe, said: “Renewable green hydrogen production at scale is one of the key solutions to help the UK reach its net zero targets. It’s an enabler that offers a solution to all sectors and parts of society, and the good news is it’s available to be deployed today. We are exploring exciting opportunities across the UK to enable local decarbonisation.

“Lhyfe has a strong ethos of working with partners to deliver projects that create real local value, and this is a key focus for the newly formed UK business. The UK can become a global leader in the production of green hydrogen, moving away from our reliance on fossil fuels, improving energy security, contributing to net zero and helping drive the economy.

“Our mission is to deploy green hydrogen production at scale and grow our operations in line with demand. We encourage any UK industry or organisation seeking to decarbonise to get in touch with us.”

Matthieu Guesné, CEO and founder of Lhyfe, said: “The opening of our UK subsidiary is in line with our international deployment plans. The speed with which this deployment is taking place – this is our sixth European subsidiary in two years – confirms the growing enthusiasm of European countries for renewable hydrogen, while our position as leader naturally amplifies the interest for Lhyfe. Through this subsidiary, we will be able to offer decarbonisation solutions that meet the specific uses and constraints of the British market.”

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